Otoplasty is a surgical procedure designed to correct ears that are prominent. This condition often causes young patient to be self-conscience and may be a source of embarrassment.

The procedure is commonly performed on children over the age of four. By this age, the ears have reached almost their adult size. The procedure is also done on adults.

Prominent ears can be a source of embarrassment to many patients

As with any operation, there are certain possible risks and complications of which you should be aware. A few patients may develop an infection or excessive bleeding. Slight asymmetry following the procedure may occur, which may require revisional surgery.

The procedure is usually performed on an outpatient basis. A general anesthetic is used for young children. Older children and teenagers may be able to cooperate with a local anesthetic and sedation.

At surgery an incision is made in the back of the ear. Through this incision the cartilage is reshaped and sutured. This will create a new shape to the ear. The incision is then closed, usually with dissolving sutures. Once healed, the incision will be nearly invisible.

The procedure takes approximately one to two hours. Following the surgery, a bulky bandage will be applied around the entire head, including the ears. This is used for comfort and protection of the surgical site.

After one week the bandage is changed. Patient then wear a protective headband at night, to protect the ear from being folded during sleep. Most patient resume usual daily activities within one week of the surgery. Resumption of athletics can be gradually done approximately two to four weeks after surgery. Care must be taken to avoid trauma to the ears.

If you have any questions about otoplasty, or any other plastic surgical procedure, please contact out office.   Photo  galleries, in addition to 3D animation of this procedure can be found at the American Society of Plastic Surgeons website.

5 East 84th St., New York, NY 10028  (212) 570-5443

